You are all that matters.

3 min readOct 24, 2022


Did you ever realize that you owe all the power to become what you wish to become, to make that change you wish, to choose to become a better person? Because even if there could be other factors affecting your achievement. The most powerful factor above all of them is you, and you are all that matters.

How are you all what matters? You are what matters because, your thought, decision, and choices define so many things in your life. Your thought, decision, and choices influence the following:

1. Your success

Success has many definitions, but you define your success and the scope. How have you defined your success, have you limited yourself maybe to only owning a house, or do you have a broad scope of success? If your definition and scope of success are shallow, you limit yourself to that and you limit yourself from exploring and discovering more.

2. Your happiness.

You have control over your happiness. This is by choosing to face situations with a positive approach, and being grateful for the small achievements you may have achieved. Stop wasting time controlling things that you cannot, try your best to let go of everything that does not deserve you, and try to learn a lesson from such encounters.

3. Your relationship with others.

You have the power to select people you wish to interact with. choose to interact with people who love you the way you are, people who bring positive influence in your life. Have some values and respect in the relationship, and do not give part-time people a full-time position in your life. Set healthy boundaries in relationships so that you protect yourself from hurt from the relationship.

4. Your health.

You may not have full control over your health. but you can practice healthy living by eating healthy food, balanced diet, and taking immunization appropriately. avoid drug abuse, exercise often, get enough sleep, and also take regular medical check-ups.

5. Your confidence.

Self-confidence is a developed character. And you have the power to choose to develop and improve your self-confidence .which is an essential character in your interaction with people and also in achieving your success.

6. Your determinations.

Determination is to keep moving to achieve your goals and plans even though they may seem difficult. Many people set very smart goals in their life but they lack determination and hence do not achieve their goals. You are the one to set your goal and to keep moving towards achieving your goals.

7. Your peace

Peace starts with self-inner peace. If you have inner peace you will be able to interact with other people peacefully. You can control the peace you have by accepting the situation you have no control over, letting off your past, and by lowering your expectations from others. You cannot calm the storms but you can keep calm during the storm. Stop stressing yourself over things you have no control over.

In conclusion.

You have power over your life. Start living the life you desire, and discover your potential, Everything good you see on this planet is either natural or manmade. Manmade things are discoveries made by men who dared to be different from others. They did not fear implementing the ideas in their thought. They had the determination to achieve their goals, and when they achieved their ideas brought improvement to people’s way of life. What is limiting you from exploring and discovering your true powers and potential in life?




I write self-development articles that will give you ideas to improve your life.